Losing Weight the Healthy Way!

The quick weight loss methods which have spread like fire these days do not provide lasting 
results. More often than not, dieting methods which involve dietary drinks, foods and supplement 
or pills do not work. If they do, the results are just temporary. 
It is better to rely on a healthy weight loss option which will provide lifetime results. You have to 
set realistic goals and not expect to lose a lot of pounds in a short span of time.

Losing Weight Rapidly 

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting 
their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just 
a snap or skipping one night's dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem 
not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always 
wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may 
not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.

Weight Loss Exercise 

1. Get quality Zzzs.
Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Good sleep habits are conducive to exercise, experts point
out. If you feel worn out during the day, you are less likely to get much physical activity during the
In addition, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more, using food as a
substance for the rest they need.
2. Walk the walk.
It is probably the easiest exercise program of all. In fact, it may be all you ever have to do,
according to some professional advices of some health experts.
Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. Brisk walks themselves
have health and psychological benefits that are well worth the while.
3. Walk the treadmill.
When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. But if you have a treadmill in the
television room, you can catch up on your favorite shows while you are doing your daily good turn
for your weight-maintenance plan.
Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables anyone to turn a
sedentary activity into a healthy walk.
4. Seize the time.
Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles. That is why health experts
suggest a basic guideline for incorporating exercise into your schedule.
Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere with your work or
family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are preventing many health problems when
you prevent weight gain; and keeping your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.

Program your Weight Loss in as Easy as a Week 

The idea of the program is to be able for you to develop a consistent approach to weight loss as
well as a healthy endurance when exercising. The program’s objective is to get rid of the excesses
in your body, the excess fat. Not the healthy and lean muscle tissues and body fluids.
The program first requires your focus and dedication, so therefore you need to be prepared in
both mind and – of course – body. It is highly advised that you first visit your doctor for a check-up
before embarking on any weight loss program.
It is important that when starting on any weight loss program, one should be positive enough to
work for the results. Some people get impatient easily but long term effects are assured as long as
one sticks to the weight loss plan at hand.
Stretch, stretch and stretch some more. Before actually doing those exercises and working out
those muscles, a little stretching is needed in order to avoid any injury or soreness in your body.
It is also not advisable for anyone to try too hard. Everything should be done in moderation. Find
the level of exercise and training that suits you. It should be enough for you to be comfortable in
but not too convenient that it will not be much of a challenge.
The first week
The first day of the program involves a long and steady walk in a little over twenty minutes. After
the walk, follow it up with a good stretch. This takes so little of your time for the first day. In less
than an hour you have taken that first step to a weight loss program that could work to your
By the second day, it is good to focus on an upper body workout. This maintains your strength to
be able to go through the whole program for the week. On the third day, a brisk walk or jog for
ten minutes is in order. For beginners, a lower body workout should be done in the evening.
In the fourth day, a good rest is in order, as well as a good stretch. This lag time should be used
wisely though to sort out any negatives in your mindset. The fifth day starts with a good ten
minute walk. Exercise the lower body in four sessions of workouts, follow this up with another ten
minute walk, and another four sessions of lower body workout.
The sixth day should be spent on a low impact exercise such as swimming. To avoid boredom, do
not be afraid to try something new. The last day of the week is a time to solicit the support of the
people you care about. Spend time with them or get them to be with you in your long walk.
Again, follow up your walk with a light upper body workout.
This is just the beginning though. If by this first week you are able to stick to the program, you
have a great chance to further boost your weight loss and stay with the plan until you achieve your
desired result. Try as much as possible to be unlike the people who give up easily just because
they could not see the result they want at the time they want – like this moment, today, now!
Patience is a virtue. The same way it took your body time to gain all that weight, think about it as
the time your body will have to exert just to get rid of it.

Healthy Diet - A Guide to Weight Loss

Here are some weight loss diet tips that can be followed anywhere, everyday:
1. Make a delicious low fat mayonnaise by combining one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay
sauce with a low fat yogurt.
2. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals slicks the body into slowing down the metabolism,
attempting to conserve calories during a period where limited fats and fuel are available.
Remember that eating increases the metabolism.
3. Stuff vegetables like capsicum and zucchini with flavored fillings or minced chicken, white meat
or fish. These are healthy and contain low fat.
4. Take pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings.
5. Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down that is why 30 minutes of exercise
before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an
increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.
6. Add alfalfa or mung beans to salad to get extra iron.
7. Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare
healthy recipes.
8. Learn how to make the family favorite recipes and make sure that fats, salt, and sugar are cut
out. Substitute non-fat yogurt for cream, stir-fry without oil and use herbs and spices instead of
salt to taste.
9. Consult the doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.
10. Slowly eat and chew each bite during meals as this would decrease one's appetite.
11. Complete three small meals and two snacks everyday instead of one or two huge meals.
12. Use chicken stock when stir-frying. This will cut down on hidden fat.
13. Buy non-toasted muesli instead of the toasted ones. A plate of toasted muesli contains more
fat than a plate of bacon and eggs.
14. As much as possible do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables since most of the
nutrients are concentrated under the skin.
15. Warm water with just a squeeze of lemon juice before breakfast get the metabolism going for
the day, this also help preventing constipation and is excellent for the skin.
16. One of the best sources of vegetable protein is from soya beans or tofu. All legumes provide
some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.
17. Look for a weight loss "buddy," club, or support mates. This will motivate you to stay and enjoy
your weight loss program.
18. Though it's hard at first, try not eating 3 hours or more before bedtime.
19. Make pasta a fast food choice - preparing a pasta meal or salad will only take 10-12 minutes.
20. Chilli helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.
21. Try making omelettes without adding the yolks! A dramatic decrease in fat.
22. Substitute baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soya sauce in cooking.
23. Remove fat by dropping ice cubes into the baking tray. Fat will stick to the ice cubes.
24. Drinking hot water instead of cold water in the morning can increase the speed of your
metabolism and burn more calories.
25. Eat before you go food shopping and always prepare a shopping list. Only buy food which
relates to your weekly menu plan and don't be tempted to buy goodies.
Make sure that the right discipline is still practiced to promote consistency on the diet plan. This
will lead eventually to a healthy life-style and a more fruitful living without the extra fat and extra
pounds on the side.

Pointers on Losing Weight Safely 

People who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all, think about reducing the amount of
food they eat. This may be quite a solution but not exactly the best there is. In fact, depending on
the amount you reduce in your food intake, it may even be dangerous to one's health. So how
does one lose weight effectively and safely? Here are some points one should consider when
trying to lose weight:

Eat Properly
One may have considered junking the crash diet option but he should also not forget to watch
what he is eating. Variety must always be considered so that one may be able to get the necessary
nutrients from his diet.It is also healthier to eat food which are roasted, steamed or broiled rather
than fried. It is also important to include a lot of fiber in the diet. Frequent rehydration is also

Extra "Push"
Some people believe that smoking and caffeine can actually help in losing weight. This can perhaps
be true; however, they do the body more harm than good because of their side-effects. For that
extra "push", one can try out taking food supplements. Afterall, 95% of these products out in the market actually does good.

Pump Up lean Muscle Mass
Muscles burn calories when they work; they even do so at rest. Unlike fats which just lie around,
bulge around the pants and dangle beneath the sleeves, muscles burn calories all-day round. With
this fact, one can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. The more muscles, the less fat will
be left. This is attainable starting with working out with resistance exercises.

Engaging in Aerobics
Aerobics are not only good for the heart by increasing cardio-vascular endurance. Aerobics also
help in increasing lean muscle mass while simultaneously decreasing excess body fat. Aside from these, aerobics make the metebolic process more efficient and its rate high, even after a long
while. Imagine burning fat efficiently while driving along the freeway or even while watching